Get to know geography, points of interest, gastronomy, currency, sports...
1. List five traditional British dishes:
Fish and chips, black pudding, bubble and Squeak, hot dog, Cottage Pie
2. What currency would you use if you were living in London? Have a look at the following correspondences and say whether they are correct or not:
3€ → 2₤, 8€ → 10₤, 15€ → 12₤, 30€ → 20₤, 75€ → 50₤
The first is incorrect, the second false, the third is true, the fourth is incorrect, the fiveth is false.
3. As you know, one of the most representative monuments of England is “Big Ben”, could you mention at least five more?
The others monuments are: Buckingham Palace, the London eye, Trafalgar Square, Golden Hinde and Eros.
4. What sports would you play if you were living there? What do they consist on?
I would like playing polo and football. The Polo constist on they played with four men on horses to a team. A ball is hit with a stick towards the goal, one at each end of a 300 yard long by 160 yard wide field. The football consist
6. What are the main differences between British and American English? Give at least five examples
Most words in American don't use in the United Kingdom.
The accent in Britain is different in American
The words in American have different meaning in Britain.
The vocabulary in Britain is different in American.
7. Could you mention the most famous kings and queens of England? Could you add some dates?
Egbert 829-839, Matilda, John 1199-1216 and Edward the Elder 899-924
Edward the Elder 899-924
8. Is Great Britain a Republic or a Monarchy?
It is Monarchy
9. Why do you think it is called “Great Britain” intead of “Britain”?
Because the British empire was very big and because difference the empire Britain.
10. List the name of five rivers placed anywhere within Great Britain.
The river Thames, the Stour, the Mersey and Tess
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